Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Z is for ...

Z is for…

I thought X was a hard one to write about!  

As far as I can see I have absolutely nothing Family History related to do with “Z”! 

So as far as I can see Z is going to have to be for… Z at the end of the A to Z Challenge! 

I started this challenge with high hopes of completing it and I am happy to be at the end with this Z, even though I have nothing to write about. 

I looked up genealogy words starting with Z and did’t have much luck. I found the following: 

A designer who etched in relief a pattern on zinc plates used for printing.

A player of a simple, flat many-stringed instrument; rare: a bard or minstrel.

Well as you have probably guessed by now I haven’t found a Zincographer or a Zitherist in my Family Tree. 

I guess I could always take up the playing of the Zither! Then again maybe not, I have enough hobbies! 

So thank you for reading and I look forward to seeing other’s “Z” posts.

1 comment:

  1. Zincographer is a word I never heard of before. I have some photographs of ancestors on what is called tintype, called that because they used tin-snips to cut the sheets apart, so maybe this is something similar and fits right in with genealogy.
    Congratulations on reaching "Z" for a successful AtoZChallenge!
    Z is for Zulu Warrior in Belgium?


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