Y is for …
I haven’t as yet found any Y christian names in my Family Tree.
So what am I going to write about for a Y.
“Years”, of course.
We as Family Historians have many numbers running around in our heads, which often turn into “years”. We deal in years with monotonous regularity.
Our ancestor’s lives are made up in years. Our research depends on us finding years of birth, death,marriage, schooling, voting, traveling, immigrating….to once again name just a few.
The more years we can find the more we can tell about our ancestors. The years give us background for putting flesh on the bones of our ancestors by way of stories. Year dates can give you a place to search for social history to add interest to your family's story if you don’t have a lot of facts.
When I see building facades with year numbers on them, my thoughts immediately start trying to connect ancestors to that time frame. It is amazing how many times I have caught myself thinking “so and so” was born or living at this time. I find that since starting my Family History journey, I can recall many years, without to much trouble. Although I do tend to sometimes to mix them up!
Family Historians I feel, view years in a far different way than the normal population. I know I do!!
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